Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Inference Questions - Do's & Dont's

Inference questions require you to infer or conclude something from the argument. Here are some Do's and Dont's for these questions:

  1. Don't Infer too much

    A common mistake students make is to infer too much from the argument, either by making far-fetched assumptions or by using their extra knowledge of the subject. Remember you are required to go only half a step ahead of the argument and not ten steps ahead.

  2. Avoid Extreme Answers

    Avoid extreme or strongly worded answers and go with more middle-path answers. For example, avoid options containing words such as must, always, only, never, etc. and go with options with words such as usually, might, sometimes, etc.

  3. Stay within the Scope of the Argument

    A common trap that students fall in is to infer something that is beyond the scope of the argument. For example, if the argument talks about the automobile industry in India then an option that talks about the electronics industry in India will be out of scope as will an option talking about the automobile industry in China.

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